Tenderloin Tessie

Almost 50 years ago, a drag queen named Tessie started feeding the homeless in the Tenderloin and so many decades later the tradition continues. I was grateful to be able to volunteer this past Easter at one of the Tenderloin Tessie events.

Every Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, the organization puts out a massive event feeding hot food to anyone who needs it. Not everyone who came was homeless, all who wanted a hot meal were welcome. Many immigrant families also came and I think, the opportunity to feed your entire family good food and have fun entertainment is always welcome, regardless of your financial situation.

I was very impressed with the values that the organizers imparted to the volunteers. Treat everyone with respect, seat them at the table, provide table service, make sure that people have what they need and that they go home with things that will help.

a scan of a color photograph showing a sign on a tree that says Line This Way

The line started on the street, on Geary and Franklin.

a scan of a color photograph showing a sign that says Free Haircuts

There were also free haircuts to be had.

a scan of a color photograph showing  a volunteer managing some tables with free clothing

There was also free clothing, very neatly organized by gender and size.

a scan of a color photograph showing some tables and chairs in an indoor church setting

The venue was wonderful and light-filled.

a scan of a color photograph showing many gift bags on a table

We also handed out gift bags with some essential items.

It's a wonderful initiative. I'm going to keep going back to volunteer when I can.

All photos taken on Minolta Hi-Matic 7S II with Fuji Superia 400, self developed with Cinestill C41 kit. Scanned with Plustek 8200i and Negative Lab Pro.

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