Slide Film Tourism

A few firsts:

  • I went to a super touristy part of San Francisco for the first time
  • I shot slide film for the first time
  • I saw a very old friend from my Dubai days, for the first time in a decade
a scan of a color slide photo of a tourist atraction in san francisco. it has children sitting on a vertical amusement park ride.

Ticket to ride.

a scan of a color slide photo of a tourist atraction in san francisco. many people are standing in line for the carousel ride


a scan of a color slide photo of some boats at fishermans wharf in san francisco


I probably won't go there for another ten years. Other than wanting to spend time with my friend, a place like Fisherman's Wharf simply accelerates my social and Covid-19 anxiety. I also don't like the shops and food there, but I know it's not for me.

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