Lower Polk, SF
Join me on a walk around Lower Polk, a neighborhood directly adjacent to mine. I spend a lot of time here because it has the grocery stores and other shops that I go to the most. I rarely need to take a bus or car anywhere else because I get everything in the Tenderloin and Lower Polk, as well as in and around Nob Hill.

A sign of the times.

I feel lucky to be able to walk to a world class film photography store, Glass Key Photo. They have everything I need, and more.

RIP, Harvey Milk. Thanks for everything you have done for this city.

Hi-Lo has great drinks. Back when I still imbibed. These days, I just like the neon signs of these bars.

Count the rubber duckies.

Sutter St is home to a mosque frequented by the Yemeni community in the area.

This part of San Francisco has a strong link to Frank Norris, the anti-Semitic author. A bar in Lower Polk is named after one of his novels, McTeague.
All photos taken on Leica M3, 50mm Summilux, bulkrolled Kentmere Pan 400. Self developed in Ilfosol 3 (1+9) for 7 minutes, and scanned with Plustek 8200i.