Five Frames Chinatown

With motion picture film.

There's a touristy bit of Chinatown Singapore (Smith Street-ish) and a less touristy part. Often, they're just side by side and you need to know which doors to duck into, or which alleys to turn off into, to see the less tourist bits.

Since I grew up here, I think I have a pretty good handle on things. There are the little barely marked doors past my favorite food stalls. Go through a door and turn left, and you'll get to a large wholesaler of Korean toiletries. Take a certain overhead bridge, and you'll get to another part of Chinatown that will soon turn into the bars and restaurants of Clarke Quay.

1. A scan of a color photo of two women making buns inside a food market


2. A scan of a color photo of the Pearl’s Hill side of Chinatown. There is an old man walking along the street. Photo is taken overhead.

People's Park.

People's Park Centre


A scan of a color photo of many wigs in a store.


A scan of a color photo of an old lady cycling on the street in Chinatown


All photos taken on Nikon FE, 50mm f1.8 lens, Kodak Vision 3 500T, dev and scan by Whampoa Colour Centre, Singapore.

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