What I'm Up To (May) 2024)

Gave a talk at 11ty Conf

My presentation was on, '11ty for 'non-devs'. While rebuilding this site in 11ty, I fell in love with building for the web again. So many things about 11ty just make sense to me. I truly believe that people who are technical-adjacent, but not web devs, can probably have fun with 11ty too. My talk was about my personal journey, why I think 11ty is the right tool for these folks, and why it's important to make building on the web fun again. (View the YouTube video here)

Visited LA

Did I mention that I absolutely love LA? I didn't expect to. I don't like cars. But, I love the people, the food, the neighborhoods. I had a wonderful time in East La and then in Sawtelle. More on that in a bit. I even said on Mastodon 'I like the food scene in LA as much as I like Bangkok's', which is no small feat.

Took so many film photos

I am still developing them.

My wife graduated from SF State!

With honors. I am so proud of her. Next stop: grad school.

Also a few life events that still feel too new to talk about, but I will, soon.