What I'm Up To (March 2024)
Interviewed by Manuel Moreale
#I've long enjoyed Manuel's "People and Blogs" series. My old friend Winnie Lim so kindly recommended my blog to him. Here's the interview I did.
Set up Public Sector AI
#I'm hoping to be able to process and filter news about artificial intelligence, through my public sector lens, to find the things that are useful for other folks in the industry.
This wound up in two parts: the Public Sector AI website and the companion newsletter. Read more about my motivations here, and here.
Went on many long walks
#My dog Cookie is not getting any younger. This October, she turns 15. I'm hoping to spend as much time with her as I can in the twilight of her life. We go on many long walks, and snack on things together.
Sent out a bunch of proposals for talks
#I used to give talks all the time. Then I went into a period of hibernation. Now I am emerging from deep sleep. Expect to see more talks from me, on a variety of topics, soon.