About me
Hi, I'm Adrianna.
I've been publishing here since 2003. You might have known me in different iterations: angry young queer, optimistic college student, world traveler, entrepreneur, foodie, athlete, startup person, non-profit founder and now, civic technologist at the world's foremost marine and deep sea institution, Monterey Bay Aquarium.
That I get to work in a beautiful part of the world, on a cause I care deeply about, is unreal. I have to pinch myself sometimes. I keep an ongoing Mastodon thread about working there. For marine life nerds, it's like working at Disneyland. There's another thread just for photos from there!

After a lost decade publishing content elsewhere (big tech social media companies), I'm now reinventing my web presence again. Though it feels more like coming home to a familiar feeling: through every version of myself on the Internet, building websites and learning new skills have been the constant.
That's how I make my living, too. In my day job, I lead the product team at Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Previously, I was the leader of the product management team at San Francisco Digital Services, the digital team for the City and County of San Francisco for 5 years. There, I played a leading role in San Francisco's web services, particularly in Covid-19 information, vaccination, recovery and relief. She is the author of the upcoming book, "Product for the People: A Guide to Building Mission-Driven Digital Services in Government and Nonprofit Organizations".
I also advise Humane Intelligence on AI red-teaming, and the U.S. General Services Administration on AI procurement, usage and ethics.
In the mornings, nights and evenings: I run, swim, bike, cook, talk and think about food, coffee, tea and the history and politics of all of those things. I toot, take photos, make zines, work on darkroom photo printing, go birding, play saxophone and piano.
Mostly, I am enjoying life in San Francisco and Monterey with my wife, dog, cat and my ridiculous number of hobbies.