Saying Goodbye to Fuji Superia 400

Fuji Superia 400 has been my stock color film for a long time. I have 10 rolls left, and when that's gone it doesn't look like I'll be able to find it easily anymore. It was my favorite 'buy it at a drugstore' film, but now that I can't buy it easily, I don't think I will put in the effort to source it. For color, I will probably switch to Ektar and Kodak Vision 3 250D or 500T. Or some combination of all of that.

Until then, some photos celebrating Fuji Superia 400.

a scan of a color photo of a night time view of a San Francisco night life area with the neon lights of a Hawaiian bar saying Mauna Loa

I like Fuji's colors with neon lights, especially reds. (Minolta Hi-Matic 7S II, handheld)

a scan of a color photo of the door of Atelier Crenn, a Michelin starred restaurant in San Francisco

A friend came to town and invited me to an epic dinner. (Minolta Hi-Matic 7S II, handheld)

a scan of a color photo of sashimi and ube bread on the table with Japanese mat and placements

The next day, I had a delicious tasting menu at Ox + Tiger, a Filipino-Japanese restaurant in San Francisco. (Minolta Hi-Matic 7S II, handheld)

a scan of a color photo of the San Francisco skyline with a boat in the bottom right of the photo

View of the San Francisco skyline from Yerba Buena island. (Rollei QZ 35T)

a scan of a color photo of grass and sea and sky

The greens and blues of San Francisco bay. (Rollei QZ 35T)

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