Fill Your Life with Music (And Fairies)

a scan of a color photograph showing a beautiful woman dressed as a fairy, blowing bubbles at the camera, in a ballroom-like setting filled with people wearing formal attire

Photo taken on Minolta Hi-Matic 7S II, Fuji Superia 400, developed and scanned at Underdog Film Lab, Oakland

Another photo from another concert I walked to from home.

We were invited to attend a gala concert for the New Century Chamber Orchestra. I'd gone to a show some time ago, really liked it, wrote about it, and met some of the folks involved through that.

It was our first time attending a high society event in San Francisco. There was wonderful music. The multiple Grammy-winning San Francisco Girls Chorus sang a few select pieces, and we were also treated to the 'dark, velvety' operatic voice of Nikola Printz.

Since the theme of the evening was 'Out of the Woods', there were also fairies. Naturally. I took a photo of one of them here.

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